Allegheny Cycling Association Email List

An ACA email list for announcements, requests, club business and other club-related or cycling-related information has been established by which voluntary subscribers to the list can communicate with each other. The URL address of this list is: and is a free list hosted by Google Groups. Neither you nor anyone else can send messages to the members of the list or read messages sent on the list unless you subscribe. The list will be closely monitored for spammers and list-abusers, who will be removed from the list or not approved in the first place to ensure that you're not flooded with unwanted messages.

After you have subscribed to the list, you can send messages to all members of the list simply by sending email to the address: Since the list is private, noone can get your email address from the list without subscribing first.

Participation is entirely voluntary. You will not be added unless you make a subscribtion request. You do not have to be an ACA member to subscribe.

Click here to join the ACA mail list. After you send the request you will receive and invitation to join the list. If you already have a Google Groups account you can use that email address and password. If you do not have a Google Groups account, the sign up page will prompt you to create one. Google Groups claims not to use this information to send you emails nor does it pass your information on to anyone else or otherwise make it public. The purpose of the account creation process is to help keep spammers off their lists. When you sign up, you may choose from a variety of delivery methods for receiving or viewing email messages thus providing another level of approval and confirmation aimed at keeping undesirables off the list.

To remove yourself from the list click here.

To view message archives or change your email preferences or profile click here at any time after you've been approved.


Web Design by: Jack Neyer
ACA Logo Design by Jim Bruno
Logo design funding provided by Cocoa Elite