Allegheny Cycling Association Club Champions    

   CLASS A (Cat 1,2,3) - CLASS B (Cat 3,4) - CLASS C (Cat 4,5)

   YEAR    SENIOR           JUNIOR
   ----    ------           ------
   1972    -no championship program-
   1973    Oscar Rattenborg Carl Cox
   1974    Marty Schneider  John Toor

   YEAR    CLASS A          CLASS B           CLASS C           WOMEN             JUNIORS         MASTERS
   ----    -------          -------           -------           -----             -------         -------
   1975    Tim Reilly       Dan Brubaker      Jim Finkel
   1976    Maurice Holahan  Dave Eaton        Jeff Jury
   1977    Matt Eaton       Jay Wolkoff       Mike Berill
   1978    Bob Redman       John Coyne        Sophie Eaton
   1979    -no records available-
   1980    -no records available-
   1981    Mac Martin       Don Laufer        Alan Sendek
   1982    Mac Martin       Larry Baker       John Herock
   1983    Mac Martin       Jon Fox           Gary Bywaters
   1984    Dan Chew         Jeff Smith        Brian Francis
   1985    Dan Chew         Mark Colenbrander Keith Dickerson
   1986    Dan Chew         Dave Eaton        Doug Milliken
   1987    Jay Wolkoff      Arvid Skogsholm   Brian Henry
   1988    Bob Gottlieb     Chris Gilmore     Adam Goldstein
   1989    Bob Gottlieb     Craig Mattern     Frank Bruno
   1990    Clark Fisher     Dave Chadwick     Tim O'Toole
   1991    Bob Gottlieb     Josh Smith        Hiroshi Howell
   1992    Clark Fisher     Rob Bisch         Frank Hersh
   1993    Rob Acciavatti   Frank Hersh       Jason Zimmerman
   1994    Clark Fisher     Gerry Pflug       Eric Dobratz
   1995    Gerry Pflug      Frank Hersh       Tim Murphy
   1996    Phil Rhodes      Greg Flood        Jeff Sager        Carolyn Smith
   1997    Joe Papp         Jeff Guy          Dave Mologne      Patty Kopf
   1998    Joe Papp         Bill Forrest      Jeff Paul         None
   1999    Joe Papp         Steve Hutter      Bill Powers       None
   2000    Joe Papp         Josh Schaffer     Todd Copeland     None
   2001    Dan Staite       Mike Walewski     Dan Green         Betsy Schauer
   2002    Jason Zimmerman  Dave Hickey       Brandon Bucinski  Betsy Schauer
   2003    Jason Zimmerman  Brandon Bucinski  Turner Johnson    Stephanie Swan
   2004    Jake Lifson      Nick Fisher       Patrick Conneely  Dee Frazzini
   2005    Jason Zimmerman  Mike Jernigan     Jeff Grimm        Sharon Slovenec
   2006    Jake Lifson      Chris Popovic     Devon Corboy      Lee Ann Beatty    Chris Matessa
   2007    Jake Lifson      Brian Hoffman     Spencer Samstag   Sharon Slovenec   Nick Hodos
   2008    Jake Lifson      Jason Goldberg    Justin Pokrivka   Whitney Severino  Mike Runco
   2009    Jake Lifson      Carl Flink        John Cotter       Rachel Teodori    Kemper Edwards
   2010    Steve Cummings   John Cotter       Chas McFarland    Rachel Weaver     Nathan Clair
   2011    Jake Lifson      Doug Riegner      Carl Lovejoy      Rachel Weaver     Nathan Clair
   2012    Jake Lifson      Craig Cozza       Jeff Gernert      Veda Gerasimek    Aaron Bliss
   2013    Jake Lifson      Nathan Clair      Morgan Baker      None              Andrew Reay      
   2014    Steve Bedilion   Shawn Geiger      Matt Dolfi        None              None            Jason Zimmerman
   2015    Dan Greene       Dave Galati       George Pompura    Shequaya Bailey   None            Jason Zimmerman
   2016    John Heffner     Mike Janeiro      Matt Kitchen      None              None            Mark Nicoll    
   2017    Jake Lifson      Will Vickerman    Andrew Lageman    None              None            Mark Nicoll    
   2018    Morgan Baker     Ellis Robinson    Zach Leachman     Kara McClain      None            Dave Galati    
   2019    Morgan Baker     Justin Culotta    Chadwick Hermeyer Stephanie Ritter  None            Dave Galati
   2020    None             None              None              None              None            None
   2021    Daniel Uhranowsky Ramy Nubani      Ian Pollock       Kamila Zagorski   None            Jeff Koontz
   2022    Shawn Litster    Jon Carroll       Michael Zagorski  Kelly Collier     None            Jeff Koontz
   2023    Daniel Uhranowsky Edward Leonard   Nathan Kerchensky Kelly Collier/    None            Michael Mihalik
                                                                Anna-Lena Kempen
   2024    Mrogan Baker      Michael Zagorski Dylan Lukas       Xiayu Peng        None            Jason Mount    

     - In 1997 and 1998, some or all races were held at Marshall Township.
     - Racing began at the Washington Blvd Oval/Bud Harris Cycling Park in 1999.
     - The Bud Harris Cycling Park was dedicated in 2010.
     - In 2020 -- No Races due to COVID19 --    


Allegheny Cycling Association Team Champions

   YEAR    CLASS A                       CLASS B                  CLASS C                      WOMEN/JR/MASTERS             
   ----    -------                       -------                  -------                      ----------------
   2000    Pittsburgh Cycling Club       Pittsburgh Cycling Club
   2001    UPMC/Pittsburgh Cycling       Hites Bikes/Fox
   2002    Team Freddie Fu               Three Rivers Cycling                       
   2003    Team Freddie Fu               BigBang Bikes/TREK                                    UPMC/Pittsburgh Cycling
   2004    Team Freddie Fu               Trizilla                                              UPMC/Pittsburgh Cycling
   2005    Team Freddie Fu               Trizilla                 Trizilla                     Steel City Velo/Rudberg Law
   2006    Freddie Fu Cycling Team       Trizilla                 Trizilla                     Rudberg Law Cycling
   2007    Freddie Fu Cycling Team       UPMC Cycling Performance RC-13                        NetApp-Viner
   2008    Freddie Fu Cycling Team       RC-13                    Dirty Harry's                ProGraphics
   2009    Indiana Reg Med Center/GRB    UPMC Cycling Performance ProGraphics                  Steel City Endurance
   2010    Indiana Reg Med Center/GRB    Steel City Endurance     Wheelcraft                   Team Citius
   2011    Team GPOA                     Steel City Endurance     East End Cycling             Team Citius
   2012    Team GPOA                     UPMC Cycling Performance ProBikes                     Young Medalists
   2013    Team GPOA                     Dynamic Physical Therapy Texas Roadhouse/ProBikes     Team Citius
   2014    CAT Racing                    UPMC Cycling Performance East End Cycling Club        UPMC Cycling Performance (Masters)
   2015    Team GPOA                     La Prima Espresso        East End Cycling Club        UPMC Cycling Performance (Masters)
   2016    Team GPOA                     La Prima Espresso        East End Cycling Club        Freddie Fu Cycling (Masters)
   2017    Team GPOA                     Opus One                 East End Cycling Club        Freddie Fu Cycling (Masters)
   2018    Margie Bars/Jmac              Margie Bars/Jmac         Get Fit Families             LaPrima Espresso (M)/Opus One (W)
   2019    Margie Bars/Jmac              La Prima Espresso        East End Cycling Club        LaPrima Espresso (M)/La Prima Espresso (W)
   2020    None                          None                     None                         None
   2021    Project 412/Kindred Cycles/   Fitt Racing              Massage Envy Racing          Sette Nove (M)/La Prima Espresso (W)
           ATP Race Consulting
   2022    Project 412                   UPMC/ProBike+Run         Roy & Associates Racing      Project 412 (M)/La Prima Espresso (W)
   2023    Project 412                   La Prima Espresso        Fields Auto/                 Freddie Fu Cycling (M)/La Prima Espresso(W)
                                                                  UPMC Sports Med-ProBike+Run
   2024    Project 412                   Roy & Associates Racing  UPMC/ProBike&Run             Freddie Fu Cycling (M)/La Prima Espresso(W)

     - No Team Competition prior to 2000
     - In 2020 -- No Races due to COVID19 --    

Allegheny Cycling Association Most Aggressive Racer Champions

   YEAR  CLASS A            CLASS B           CLASS C           WOMEN/JR/MASTERS
   ----  -------            -------           -------           ---------------
   2002  John Evanko        Ray Russell       Brandon Bucinski  Betsy Schauer
   2003  Frankie Ross       Bill Gothberg     Matt Taylor       Stephanie Swan
   2004  Gunnar Shogren     Jon Montag        Dale Christopher  Amy Garbark
   2005  Frankie Ross       Andrew Reynolds   Dan Malik         Donna DeBartolomeo
   2006  Mike Stubna        Eric Hodos        Eric Limkemann    Tammy Collins
   2007  Frankie Ross       Kevin Wahila      Spencer Samstag   Sharon Slovenec
   2008  Steve Cummings     Paul Carlson      Paul Carlson      Whitney Severino
   2009  Steve Cummings     Paul Carlson      Nehemiah McHugh   Patty George
   2010  Steve Cummings     Samson McHugh     Mike Appel        Barb Grabowski
   2011  Steve Cummings     Paul Carlson      Kyle Ferrar       Tyler Mower   
   2012  Steve Cummings     Jacob Yundt       Birk McGilvrey    Tyler Mower   
   2013  Steve Kurpiewski   Ben Hay           Morgan Baker      Caleb Wakeley 
   2014  Frankie Ross       Marko Milojevic   Chris Helbling    Frankie Ross (Masters)
   2015  Shawn Litster      Caleb Smith       Drew Smorul       Frankie Ross (Masters)
   2016  Steve Kurpiewski   Rick Holzworth    Gary Prunty       Frankie Ross (Masters)
   2017  Jacob Yundt        Chris Helbling    Andrew Lageman    Frankie Ross (Masters)
   2018  Mat Mackay         Josh Sayre        Zach Leachman     Dave Galati (M)/Sheyquaya Bailey (W)
   2019  Chris Peltzer      Gary Prunty       Nathan LaValla    Dave Galati (M)/Sheyquaya Bailey (W)
   2020  None               None              None              None
   2021  Joshua Friedman    Joshua Sayre      Mathijs de Rijk   Frankie Ross (M)/Sheyquaya Bailey (W)
   2022  Shawn Litster      Edward Leonard    Michael Zagorski  Jeff Koontz (M)/Anna-Lena Kempen (W)
   2023  Shawn Litster      Michael Zagorski  Jonah Lantzy      Frankie Ross (M)/Anna-Lena Kempen (W)
   2024  Nik Reinert        Michael Zagorski  Corey Brandle     Frankie Ross (M)/Eva Kloiber (W)

     - No MAR Competition prior to 2002            
     - In 2020 -- No Races due to COVID19 --    


Web Design by: Jack Neyer
ACA Logo Design by Jim Bruno
Logo design funding provided by Cocoa Elite